Executive Summary

Logistics is an industry of efficiency, scale, and most importantly: trust. A single cross-border parcel may be scanned dozens of times along its journey from origin to destination. These scans are the critical point of handover for transactions and payments, and enable consumers to track their package. Effective and economic coordination among individual nodes to reliably deliver parcels to their destination is the core competitive advantage for any delivery service.
The Global Parcel Network (ParcelX) vision is to create a world where anyone can be a trusted member of the cross-border parcel delivery ecosystem through revolutionary blockchain technology.
The ParcelX Platform will leverage blockchain technology to create a Blue Ocean market of cross-border logistics through decentralization, interoperability, information integrity and trust in parcel delivery networks.

Introduction to Cross-border Parcel Delivery

Cross-border parcel delivery network is the moving of parcels between international locations through multiple carrier nodes. It involves these key nodes in the delivery chain:

The diagram above shows a typical cross-border parcel’s flow through logistics nodes. Throughout the journey, logistics integrators have a role in connecting the right resources to the right job. It’s shown that the journey for cross-border parcel delivery is tediously long with multiple carrier nodes across international locations. Currently, the whole process is still heavily driven by manpower with a lack of efficiency.

Problems in the Industry

First generation providers give superior service, but have high sunk costs. Because of this, their services are more expensive for all actors in the nodes. Customers end up paying more for their deliveries in order to gain more peace of mind, while suppliers have limited choices to fulfill deliveries. Second generation providers can achieve lower costs through their decentralized structure, however the limitations of their solution’s aging architecture and the lack of data & service standardization among scattered carriers means they deliver inefficiently and with significant gaps in traceability.
Consumers & e-commerce clients have limited choices:

  • They either overpay huge companies with in-house infrastructure to ensure high quality;
  • Or they accept inferior delivery services from an incomplete integration of scattered service providers whose data and service may be untrustworthy and prone to errors.

The ParcelX Solution

  • Blockchain is our architecture of trust: A decentralized, efficient cross-border parcel delivery network established through blockchain, with seamless & transparent data, efficient transactions, and low costs.
  • GPX is our instrument of trust: Closed-loop GPX token economy builds value for early adopters and partners, replicating the “Tonglu Effect” on a global scale
ParcelX is the “AirBnB” of Global Parcel Delivery. Through the architecture of a distributed and decentralized ledger system without a centralized trust authority made possible through blockchain, logistics service parties globally will be empowered to trust each other without intermediaries. The inefficiencies plaguing the 2nd generation model will be swept away.
ParcelX will charge zero-commission on its services, allowing all participants in its ecosystem to focus on their core competencies: building their business and making deliveries. They won’t have to worry about overhead costs and upgrading their IT infrastructure, and instead focus on unlocking their latent capacity and eliminating redundancies in their current inefficient models. Warehouses with spare capacity can generate extra revenue, and even individuals who wish to take part in the cross-border e-commerce market are welcome to contribute to its growth.

Token Distribution Plan

The total volume of GPX is 1,000,000,000. 30% of this issuance will be done through Token Generation Event (TGE).

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