The delivery service market has expanded dramacally around the world and it is esmated to grow even further in economic significance. However, the exisng delivery service market’s vague price esmaon, delivery speed limitaon, insufficient quality and inconvenient interface has created major pialls. In order to solve these problems, project VOLTwas developed.
VOLT is based on blockchain technology and, combined with smart contracts, will eliminate the dependence on the centralized system between the parcipants, significantly reducing the price of deliveries for customers. On the other side ofthe spectrum, the messengers and delivery companies will have higher income in-hand. Not only does VOLTguarantee messengers get a higherincome, VOLTeliminates the me and technical constraints to allow anyone and everyone to use the system. This subsequently enables a larger pool of messengers, including rerees, part-mers, or those who want a second job to be acvely involved. In addion, the order matching system can be further facilitated by messengers seng up a delivery radius according to the preferred means oftransportaon.

For example, delivery packages from cies adjacent to Delaware coalesce into Delaware first to be sorted and distributed to the final destination.

Nevertheless, most delivery companies can only offer “Next Day Delivery” and do not hold the capacity to offer “Same Day Delivery” (immediate delivery). This is due to the fact that the centralized delivery system has simply reached its limitaons and cannot facilitate the speed necessary, nor does it have the ability to provide an affordable service using the current model. If person A from Manhaan NewYork, forinstance, needs to send a package to person B in Queens, the package has to go through a detourin Delaware to be sorted — which takes up to 2 extra business days, causing inefficiencies and delays in delivery. The main reason for this inefficiency can be illustrated from the schemacs above


VOLT’s business model is to connect customers with messengers. The company strives to provide a convenient and user-friendly service with customized algorithms and a smart contract-derived matching system using Big Data. For the customers to use this service, VOLT Coin is required. When delivering items, the value of the delivery service is determined according to the distance, me window and weight ofthe item. For example, a customerrequires 600 Jula foritem A to be delivered to a desnaon 2km away (Jula being VOLT’s term for a unit ofwork), whereas it may cost 1200 Jula forthe same item Ato be sent to a desnaon 6km away. VOLT is developing an opmal algorithm to calculate the price and is also aiming to introduce an aucon system for special deliveryrequests.
The use of VOLT Coins is required for the customer to submit the delivery request. To determine the amount of ‘work’ required for each delivery, we must take into account a number of variables such as the me of delivery, the shipping distance, the me required and the weight ofthe shipment. Combined, we call this unit ofwork “Jula”. The Jula to VOLT Coin rao is not necessarily fixed, and may change according to the price in the market — but the rao of the first Jula to VOLTCoin starts at 1:1.

A customer who requires the service can purchase the coins from the Exchange. A customer will purchase 100 coins for a delivery service that costs 100 coins. The customer will pay 100 coins to VOLT then VOLT corresponds the request to the messenger. Aer the service is completed, VOLT transfers 95 coins to the messenger. Approximately 5% of the coin is used as a commission to the company profit. The percentage of commission is subject to vary and is not constant. The companysells the coin earned to the Exchange to produce revenue.
The revenue is used to maintain the company or provide dividends to the VOLT shareholders, but not to the coin-holders. If this process goes through a cycle, the coin demand will eventually be higher than the supply from the Exchange, resulng in an increase in value for the coins. A combinaon of algorithms and current coin price will be used by VOLT to adjust the coin/Jula rate. In the long term, the coin/Jula rate will increase and one will be able to purchase more Jula for 1 VOLT Coin. This will consequentlyalso increase the value ofJula.


April — MAY : ICO Start
ICO Pre & Public Sale

May : Lisng Preparaon

ICO Complete & Proceed Lisng Meeting
June: Blockchain Backend Start

VOLT Blockchain Backend Start

July: Meetup in Seoul
Meetup in Seoul / Contract with PR company

August: Android Version Complete

VOLT Android Version Development Complete

September: iOS Version Complete

VOLT iOS Version Complete

October: Service Partners Contracts

Service Partners Contracts / PR Promotion

November: Blockchain Based Service Start

VOLT Token can be used at various delivery services

December: Meetup with Internaonal Conference

Meetup with International Conference
WEBSITE : https://volttech.io/
WHITEPAPER: https://volttech.io/public/Final%20VOLT%20White%20paper%200410.pdf
ANN THREAD : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3285508.0
MY ETH WALLET ADDRESS : 0x8B447B829139f1E2E237fAee31604e60b03bC41E


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