The HAI Project


The world has been changing with an unprecedent growth in most of the industries but such an immeasurable growth creates some issues. The Vision for the HAI Project is to create the first Hybrid Artificial Intelligence capable of detecting new cyber-threats, opportunities both traditional financial markets and data applied to business intelligence. Multiple infrastructures in every industry have flaws or misconfigured elements, allowing malicious users to abuse their systems or even try to attack them in order to get a personal benefit at the expenses of other people, this is why we need more than just men power. It has been proven in multiple competitions that Artificial Intelligence is superior to humans when it is guided through the entire learning process this way it helps transforming raw information into usable knowledge. The most critical industries that the HAI Project Team identified were Financial, Cyber Security and Business Intelligence sectors.

What is HAI Project?

It is the first Hybrid Artificial Intelligence to combine 3 critical sectors that rule the economy of our environment even though we can’t see it so clearly. The main purpose of HAI is to provide the chance to small business owners to compete against big companies with millions of dollars destined to market research and marketing, have the chance to do profitable trading and finally to protect themselves and their business from criminals of all over the world. Creating a powerful Hybrid-AI combined with an ecofriendly infrastructure there are no boundaries, providing the opportunity to operate this HAI system through the use of the block chain technology (ERC20 tokens & Smart Contracts) all users with HAI tokens will be able to benefit from the project.

HAI Project’s Purpose & Application

HAI is the first project to bring hope for the average person, capable of doing the little things needed to make everyone’s life easier.
Changing your life starts by solving your problems, we know HAI is not the ultimate solution but it is a start, it will start with finances, cyber security and business intelligence but it doesn’t stop there, HAI
The HAI Project aims to cover the 3 main sectors described above using the short learning curve of an intelligent system, using the main concepts which are critical for the successful implementation of our AI.

HAI Project’s Cores

Cyber Security: Advanced Threats Detection, Automated Penetration Testing and Rapport, Privacy Assurance.
Finances: Prediction System, Aggressive Trading Strategy and Opportunities Detection.
Business Intelligence: Market prediction, Data Analysis and Business Opportunity Detector.

HAI: Tokens

The HAI Project was born thinking about solving issues that nobody was able to solve in years and are more urgent to solve as these problems are becoming bigger and bigger. Artificial Intelligence is the solution, creating a system capable of outrunning thousands of humans in just a fraction of an hour, saving thousands of hours and more important, saving money, a lot.
At the very beginning the HAI tokens will be issued using the Ethereum Platform, creating 70,000,000 HAI. Once the ICO is over and the main block chain is launched a token swap is planned, migrating to an independent network with no congestions, big fees or scalability problems.

Token Supply & Sale

The implementation of the tokens will be through a Smart Contract which is going to generate tokens according to Pre-ICO and ICO orders at the rates specified below. There is a tokens hard cap of 100MILLION HAI tokens


Pre-ICO April 30th to May 13th
ICO Phase 1 May 14th to May 27th
ICO Phase 2 May 28th to June 11th


Price: 0.0004ETH for each HAI token
This will include a 20% bonus

ICO Phase 1

Price: 0.0005ETH for each HAI token
A 15% bonus will be included.

ICO Phase 2

Price: 0.0005ETH for each HAI token
A 10% bonus will be included.

Funds Allocation

In case the ICO process doesn’t reach the Hard cap the remaining tokens will be burned giving a higher value to bought HAI tokens in the Pre-ICO and ICO phases. Since HAI Project is public and open to the project the funds allocation will be too, the main plan for the funds is for research, hardware, operations and marketing.
MY ETH WALLET ADDRESS : 0x8B447B829139f1E2E237fAee31604e60b03bC41E


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