NYNJA App is the world’s first communications app to combine the following unique features on a single, fully integrated platform:
  • Cross-platform support on multiple mobile and desktop operating systems;
  • Open-source platform attracting other developers to create apps within the NYNJA application;
  • Offers a gateway to global e-commerce that is powered by our own cryptographic token, NYNJACoin;
  • Operates its own token for settlement method for ondemand labor and virtual services;
  • Users will own their own data; and
  • These and other key features make this App a truly unique, first of its kind, cross platform application.
NYNJA App aims to harness the power of its user base like no other messaging app has managed to do before — and with an integrated platform that enables users to:
  • Communicate in any way they choose, from any device;
  • Organize their personal and professional lives;
  • Earn NYNJACoin through the transaction of goods and services with other users;
  • Use it for business purposes, increasing productivity among their workforce; and
  • Eliminate spam and other unwanted intrusions.


NYNJA App was created to address several perceived key shortcomings and gaps with currently existing apps:
  • A lack of significant innovation — most of the apps currently on the market were created between 2009 and 2014
  • Regional limitation — current available apps are EITHER global but too basic (e.g., WhatsApp) OR more elaborate but regionally focused/locked (e.g., Line and WeChat)
  • No combined personal and business solutions — current apps have mostly focused on personal use and some on business use
  • No platform for commercialization — current available apps do not enable users and entrepreneurs alike to monetize their existing knowledge and available resources
  • No inherent business model — current apps mostly depend on advertising for revenue, putting user data unnecessarily at risk


A one-stop service designed to meet the needs of today’s mobile messaging user:
  • NYNJA innovates at all levels from user experience through to a digital, global, cryptocurrency-backed ecosystem.
  • NYNJA is global at its core — not just in functionality but in culture and strategy, led by a highly experienced international team.
  • NYNJA enables you to separate your personal and business lives into multiple accounts simultaneously within one app.
  • NYNJA App allows users to earn NYNJACoin by helping other users and selling virtual services.
  • NYNJA has a clear business model that combines revenue from individual users and entrepreneurs, tiered subscriptions for businesses, and commissions to users from smart contracts for digital goods and services.


The NYNJA App has been designed from scratch, unconstrained by limitations of previous design frameworks and standards.
NYNJA team brings a combined hundred years of experience in building messaging solutions at global scale, with extensive knowledge in communication protocols scalable storage solutions and security.
This has resulted in the creation of a fully fledged platform combining messaging, calling, conferencing, video, and e-commerce designed to operate with one hand on mobile devices. This communications-led approach is expected to offer several key benefits:
  • Email no more! Replace your entire email suite with NYNJA
  • Completely secured encrypted communications
  • No more spam
  • No more unsolicited messages or contacts
  • No more viruses
NYNJA App was built on the fundamental design principle that users should be able to go from one place to another within the app. In short, this means users shouldn’t have to navigate backwards through the app to access other functions. Instead, they can move directly to any screen from anywhere within the app.


Although NYNJA App intends to support standard login options — such as phone number and various social network logins — uPort integration is an exciting opportunity to enable NYNJA users to own their own identity within the NYNJA ecosystem. This enables users and businesses to create their own encrypted data, which they own, and move it whenever and wherever they want.

These mock-up screenshots show how the NYNJA-uPort integration is anticipated to work from the user perspective:


The “NYNJA Economy” (or “Platform”) is expected to facilitate an ecosystem of freelancers and sellers of goods and services.
NYNJACoin will become more liquid and popular as the NYNJA Economy grows, based on service providers and customers joining and interacting with the platform. It is vital that the relationship between these providers and customers is mutually beneficial.
NYNJACoin will serve two main purposes, enabling users to:
  • Access work as a client and pay with NYNJA tokens globally
  • Purchase and sell virtual goods and services within the NYNJA App


NYNJACoin is an Ethereum-based token which follows the ERC20 standard. NYNJACoin will be accepted as payment within NYNJA App for goods and services. NYNJACoin enables users to:
  • Purchase advanced communication services such as advanced moderated conferencing for meetings and remote work
  • Payment for value added services, such as real time translation, virtual conferencing, quorum voting, and more than seven years of communication and record history, among others
  • uy permanent storage — both traditional network storage as well as blockchain-based distributed storage such as IPFS
  • Earn NYNJACoin via the work provided to the network of users on demand




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