The INSPEM service was introduced in 2015; it allows users to find other people that they have randomly encountered on the subway, in the parks or any other locations. We assumed that such kind of service would predominantly be used by the male audience. However, as the statistical data shows, females made 40% of all announcements. Ladies have been simply taking pictures of the guys they liked on the streets from the afar, uploading those pictures to our service and waiting for some acquaintance to recognize that guy and share his social network profile.
This is exactly what the first version of the product was a few years ago. At the time of foundation of the service we wanted to become some sort of an analogue of «Wait for me» TV show, but as an online service.
For your information: «Wait for me» is a Russian TV show that helped to find more than 200 000 of people since it first aired in 1999. A new request to find people from all corners of the Earth is received every 10 minutes. More than 3 million of lost people are in the show’s database. There are only two countries, in which «Wait for me» does not search for people yet, and those are Antigua and Barbuda and Cape Verde.


All of the currently existing solutions are local and limited:
● the search is limited by a specific data base.
● the video data is received from a limited number of devices (government owned cameras, commercial cameras within a certain object).
Missing people search
Quite a lot of time passes from the point a person has gone missing until the start of the search for them. Search squads and police still search for missing people using flashlights in the outdoors and abandoned buildings. If that person is not wanted on a federal or international level (which does not happen in such cases), their relatives have little to no chances to find them in another city.
It’s often that the information on persons movement could be obtained through quicker, more technological approach. There is currently no unified database, to which one could have uploaded a person’s picture to track their movements around the city or the country. The police has one database, the Interpol has another, the search squads has yet another and so on. All these factors stand in the way of quick determination of the specific person’s location or their movements


Key features
● The large scale of the INSPEM service allow carrying out the search in any corner of the Earth.
● The INSPEM ver.2.0 platform would employ the advanced video analytics based on learning neural networks for the swiftest and the most effective face recognition.
Our solution
Our technology is built around the main principle: being able to find a person without revealing their personal information, which is of utmost importance in most of the countries.
Any person on the planet would be able to connect any IP-camera, smartphone or a driving recorder to our platform on a software level. The connection would be established by the means DynDNS or P2P services, which are the most accessible for the regular user. The camera would remain at the same place and record footage as usual. The only requirement is the Internet connection.
Then the user logs into INSPEM, registers his camera by specifying its serial number and password. After that, the service requests the network location of the camera from the vendor’s server and passes it to the nearest (in terms of the network) host for processing. What we get is the decentralization and the minimal network load. Vendor’s servers together with INSPEM participate in the connection establishment stage, while INSPEM tracks the analytics operations and receive results.
Schematic representation of the interaction process:


During Pre-Sale and ICO the INSPEM platform releases and distributes the INP token. All the expenditure reports automatically register into the Ethereum blockchain. The INSPEM team would also publish detailed reports concerning the expenses. The reports are published on the official INSPEM blog:
The INP token essence INP — is an Ethereum based token, which supports the ERC-20 standard.
The INP token is a utility-token, since it is only appropriate for usage of the INSPEM platform’s internal features. The token holders do not received dividends and do not participate in company managements. Therefor INP is not a securitytoken and is not affected by the financial regulators.
● 80% of tokens would be distributed to investors during the ICO;
● 15% of tokens would be dedicated to founders and developers;
● 5% of tokens would be spent within the bounty campaign framework.
● 40% — development and integration. Developing the INSPEM platform based on the already existing MVP with deep machine learning (artificial intelligence) and blockchain technology. Integration of partner systems with the INSPEM platform and the «smart cities» connection in order to access the maximal possible number of cameras around the world. Renovation of the mobile applications and web-platform. Developing of our own API for interaction of any video devices with our software.
● 30% — marketing expenses for participation in the international exhibitions, PR, users and partners engaging for swift exponential growth;
● 20% — primary fund for token maintenance of token exchange liquidity and INP buy-back from the investors;
● 10% — operating expenses for the office, legal support.

Realization of Pre-Sale

INP token purchase bonuses during Pre-Sale for early investors

Realization of ICO

INP token purchase bonuses during ICO for early investors

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PRE-SALE [20 March, 2018–16 April, 2018]
IСO [01 May, 2018–28 May, 2018]
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MY ETH WALLET ADDRESS : 0x8B447B829139f1E2E237fAee31604e60b03bC41E


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